Sometimes humility is a process. With me that is defiantly the case. What can sometimes seem to be an injustice can really be God trying to humble you. Pride that I never realized I had and failure to be truly anchored in Him has caused me to be deeply shaken. I am learning and that indeed I had a deep root of pride and just like the Bible says, "pride goes before a fall". It is the most important thing for me to learn to be only anchored in God because in Him and only Him will I find true hope and belief. If I put my hope in man I will only be discouraged, hurt and let down, time and time again. If I anchor myself in God, man can never let me down. God should be my rock and foundation, in Him I should trust. I must lay down my pride and allow God to humble me daily so that I can rely and trust in Him. There are journeys and lessons for all of us to learn and even if it hurts and you go down kicking and screaming, hang in there because at the end of the road, you will be so much closer to God. We think the process is going to kill us and we are never going to see light at the end, but God is metamorphosing you and bringing you up to a higher level. Just go with it. You will look back and see that you more than just survived, you arrived to where you were destined and created to be. They call it "growing pains" for a reason:) Be encouraged, none of us have it figured out and we all fall short. Just don't give up on the process.
Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18 NLT
This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.
Hebrews 6:19 NLT
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