What does it mean to live life everyday with intention? I think it means taking everyday that God gave you and living it out purposefully with guidance from Him. I think about my day with the kids and how monotonous it can be at times. I mean we wake up and do pretty much the same routine every day. It's not that I get bored, I think its just that I loose sight and I get lost in the mundane. When I take a step back and look at what God really wants me to do in my day, I can re-focus and get back on track again. I am living my life with the intention to teach, raise and grow healthy children. I am living my life to have a healthy, functional marriage with the help mate God gave me. I am living my life to bless and help others around me. Most of all I am living my life with the purpose to serve my Savior and show the love of Him to all of those I come in contact with through out my day. I am living my life with the intention to not to be like everyone else and to go against the grain. I am living my life with the intention to have joy and love everyday that He has given me with the people in my life. So my question to you is....are you living out your days with intention and purpose?
Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts.
1 Thessalonians 2:4 NLT
So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing.
1 Corinthians 9:26 NLT
I really enjoyed reading this. I get the same way. Tenley and I do the same thing everyday and sometimes it's hard not to stay in pj's all day and not have an "intentional" day. So thanks for reminding me, and giving me a little push.