Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Golden Year

So yesterday I was informed by my good friends that this year is my golden year haha! I never would have known that. I am 29 years old on the 29th. I guess this will never happen again, which is why it is my golden year. Anyways this was the cute video message waiting for me in my inbox this morning from my hubby and son. Love them to pieces!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Today at our ladies bible study we talked about whining and how you can always find reasons to be unhappy or disatisifed with any situation. This really struck a cord with me because I think in our American culture we live with so much pretentiousness and disatisfaction for what God has already blessed us with, that we can never be pleased. Just like how we cannot stand to hear our kids whine and complain, God can't stand how we whine and complain. No matter what situation you are in, you can find gratitude and thankfulness. Many scriptures come to my mind about this subject but this one stands out the most.
“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. Luke 16:10 NLT
Be thankful and grateful in the little that God has given you without whining and let him pour out more, when it is time. Just like the photo of this little hand. I don't know about you but I know I am so grateful my family has provision of another meal on our table. Take this to heart and recognize all that He has blessed you with.
Be glad you can do the things you should be doing. Do all things without arguing and talking about how you wish you did not have to do them. Philippians 2:14 NLT

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Its been a while

Oh how things have changed since I last updated this blog. Life has changed, plans have changed and we have changed, but all for the better. Praise God!! All of that to be said, we have moved our family to Dallas, Texas to attend a year at Christ for the Nations. My husband and I met at this amazing school 10 years ago exactly and wow....we are back! We are loving every minute of it!! Words cannot even express how much we are growing and experiencing God and his provision while we have been here. Our time here is short, but we are soaking in every minute of it. My husband is doing the Pastoral and Leadership school, and he is growing leaps and bounds in his spiritual walk with the Lord. We have met some amazing and I mean AMAZING people here. There only goal in life is to be completely in love with Jesus and do only His will on earth. We cannot help but be so inspired by those around us. All I can say is God knew what He was doing when He called us back here to Christ for the Nations. This is a complete faith walk for us, but we have learned that is what life here on earth should be anyways. We are ready to jump when He says jump and go when He says go. There is so much freedom in trusting God for everything. I always say now, "I don't care if I have to live in a cardboard box, I would still love and trust my Savior." So where do we go from here? Well we don't know, but we are excited!!! My husband is seeking God about a missions trip to Israel in March. We are just taking it one day at a time and each day lovingly entrusting our whole world in His hands. As for the kids, they are loving it here too. My son is loving his school and learning so much about God and my little girl is staying busy with mommy, going to bible studies and playgroups. Daddy works an amazing job that allows him to be home with us on the weekends. His job is just one of many miracles we have experienced while being here. Anyways, the kids have such a community of other kids to play with. Never a dull moment and they love that. I just feel inspired and encouraged to share this journey, if only to inspire and enourage you. After all isn't that what Christians are supposed to do.
But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 NLT